Wednesday 9 September 2015

Getting Items Ready for the Nostalgia Show...

I've been busy researching and pricing items for the Nostalgia Show.

10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sunday 13 September
Nostalgia Show & Sale
Woodstock Auditorium
875 Nellis Street, Woodstock, Ontario

Here are just a few of the items we'll have for sale.

1887 Calendar in a wood & metal frame, "The Sacrifice of Isaac":

EP Copper Creamer & Sugar:

Handmade blue-painted wooden tool box, dove-tailed joints:

Handmade black-painted wooden tool box:

1920s bakelite Star Turn Hardness Comparator:

Vintage (1940s?) wooden magazine caddy:

Old wooden sap bucket:

Well worth coming to with over 225 vendors from across Ontario and Quebec. After the show you'll still have time to head over to the One of a Kind Antique Mall on Wilson Street by the train tracks, open until 5:00 p.m. Nancy's and my booth number is 800/847, also check out my showcase (800) next to the cash. We still have lots of goodies there.

Hope to see you at the show!

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