I've been packing all day -- I am (almost) only going to be selling turquoise at The Gem Expo, but how is it my truck is packed with more bins and bags than I take to the market? And all of which have to be hauled around by moi.
Unless I can lay my hands on a computer I won't be updating the blog until I get home, but I will take lots of pictures -- and yes, I have remembered to pack my phone -- and charger.
Now to get a few hours of sleep. If I wake up at 3 or 3:30, then I might leave by 4:30 to beat the rush in... or I might say... well, I might just roll over and go back to sleep and leave here around 8. Given that we can't get in to set up until 6:00 p.m. and I can't get into my hotel room until 3:00, that's a lot of hanging around to do.
Check these out:
I'm still looking for a good map of mine locations in Mexico.
Later, 'gators... and see you there! Should be a great weekend.
Good luck, Barbara. I hope you sell a ton!
I did, I did! Whoo hoooooo!
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