Thursday 28 June 2012

Chinese crested pot-bellied dawg........... HAPPEEEEE BIRTHDAY, MAX!!!

Weeeellll, he LOOKS like a Chinese crested... or a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. Old age sure sucks, don't it, Max?

He's definitely a lot happier with all his hair gone. I assume it's much like skinny-dipping in the cool air for him now.

I left him with a little dignity fore and aft.

The glory days... only two years ago:

He's closing in on 14 now. No idea when his actual birthday is, just that it's the end of June-beginning of July-ish. July 1st works for me. As of around 27 September 1998, we began our life together. Big happy birthday to my fuzzy little guy who I love more than anything in the world.


Sondra said...

HE looks like a great best buddy!!!

Barbara said...

Yep, he's the best.