Friday 24 July 2015

My truck is almost dead...

...hence I've had to miss The Gem Expo that started today in Toronto at the Hyatt Regency on King Street. I held off as long as possible before finally having to cancel. There are personal things taking up time, as well as non-stop typing for three or so weeks (= 1/2 a new vehicle!!!). Between white-knuckling it to the market and back once a week in the truck and twice-weekly grocery and library runs thanks to generous friends, I'm managing.

Meanwhile, I've been making jewellery at the market and then promptly selling it without taking photos. I'm also dipping a toe into the world of estate jewellery and any other doodads that catch my eye.

Case in point. This was my haul a couple of weeks ago:

A tiny engraved, sterling silver baby's bracelet in the style of a belt. I had no idea what this was when I first saw it, it was so small. 

The two eating implements are a toddler's first spoon and a "food pusher", often sold as a christening gift.

This is a circa 1920s or '30s??? brass watch chain with a still working compass. I am still boggled by the beauty of this piece. That's goldstone in the long link, invented in Venice in the 17th century and worth reading about. I knew goldstone was glass and manmade, but I'd only ever seen beads. I also assumed that it was a fairly modern material. Unfortunately, the 2nd piece is long gone. I ran this by a vintage jewellery pal and she said it looks like something that would've been given to or worn an engineer or some type of train person, perhaps? If anyone out there has an idea, please let me know.

This, on the other hand, is I think an old pewter whistle, possibly a dog whistle, but I can get a bit of a toot out of it.

These items will be for sale at the Nostalgia Show, Woodstock Fairgrounds on Nellis Street, Sunday 13 September, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Nancy and I will be located across from the snack bar (great food, as I discovered back in March!). We are hoarding all of our best collectibles and antiques for this show so please come and see us.

Here are a few pictures of the latest iteration of Showcase 800 and Booth 800/847 at the One of a Kind Antique Mall on Wilson St.

Showcase top...

Inside the showcase...

See anything you like? Send me an email.

Thanks for looking!

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