Friday 20 September 2013

Rhyolite & Jasper Necklace...

Bonehead move number one was to let go of one end of the stringing wire outside on the deck while I was positioning the necklace to photograph and... you got it. Beads everywhere. Luckily, they're all more or less rondelle shapes so they didn't get too far. Only lost a couple over the edge.

The nice thing about these trapezoid shapes is that they're cut with all the edges rounded so that both sides are usable -- and considerably different from each other.

Side 1:

Side 2:

I haven't put a clasp on yet but it will be copper. I'll be running this by a few people at the market tomorrow to see if I should stick with the multi-coloured seed beads or pick a single colour before I finish it off. I don't know if it's getting too busy with all the colours, or if that will disappear when it's being worn.

Please comment, and thanks for looking!


Nelson Jewelry & Gemstones said...

I love rhyolite, and those slabs are gorgeous. I don't care for the multicolor strand though. I think they pull the eyes from the rhyolite, which should be the focus.

Barbara said...

Thanks, Joanne. That was actually my concern, as well, but when I tried it on it turns out the back isn't as noticeable. In a way the colours of the seed beads become "heavy" enough to balance the larger beads in front. It's definitely a weird necklace.