Whoo hoooo! BLUE HEBRON BEADS! I have been lusting after these for the longest time. An early birthday present to myself, plus these gorgeous Majapahit Javanese beads and more trade beads (pink Cheyenne and African glass trade beads). I'll tell you, I sure wish I'd bought more of the Majapahit beads. They are stunning. The pictures do not do them justice at all.
The blue Hebron beads will be available for sale in small lots.
Email me if you're interested and tell me what size(s) you're interested in. To be fair I'll probably sell them by weight. Ditto the Majapahits.
The market itself was again slow this past Saturday, but I kept myself busy and made these chokers, some of which my client bought, the rest of which are now on the table available for sale.
Top to bottom: copper jump rings & copper beads, silver-plated & hematite beads; copper jump rings & copper, stainless steel-plated & hematite beads; silver-plated, copper jump rings & hematite beads; & copper jump rings, silver-plated, stainless steel and gunmetal plated beads & a copper-wrapped silver-plated skull bead |
Top bracelet and choker: silver-plated base metal "rock";
Lower choker: silver-plated beads flanking a jumble of large-holed pewter spacers |
And, because V-Day is coming up...
Glass beads, sterling earwires |
Thanks for looking!
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