Thursday 23 February 2012

Rose ring & heart ring...

Two more rings from this morning. has a number of cool ring tutorials, all free. Yay. Here are my first versions. As always, I try to improve on Mother Nature and/or my own nature to abscond with ideas and run with them in a totally unnatural direction.

Made the goinks in the band to see if that was a way to shorten the band a bit.

Too many wraps, though: now the decorative goinks are hidden.
My version of a heart ring design I found online, with a couple of variations.

I didn't like the wires crossing through the heart, so I started my wraps on either side of the heart without doing the cross. This means my heart is somewhat adjustable -- not to mention, if I use finer wire it will too easily come apart. I think this is about 12 or 14 gauge wire (it's from the 7-strand copper wire you can buy at the hardware store off a huge spool).

It just occurred to me that there may even be a way to combine the rose with the heart... back to the drawing board.

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